B2 - Upper Intermediate Level | PM

English Talks's methodology is an innovative learning approach which maximises the effectiveness of study time by a well-structured lesson model.

Course Introduction 

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Write your awesome label here.

1st SEMESTR - WEEK 1 TO 13

B2 Coursebook

UNIT 1 - A

Family & Cultures

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 1 - B

Family & Cultures

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 1 - C

Family & Cultures

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 1 - D

Family & Cultures

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Family & Cultures

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 2 - A

Call of the Wild

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 2 - B

Call of the Wild

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 2 - C

Call of the Wild

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 2 - D

Call of the Wild

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Call of the Wild

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 3 - A

History, Politics & Religion

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 3 - B

History, Politics & Religion

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 3 - C

History, Politics & Religion

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 3 - D

History, Politics & Religion

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

History, Politics & Religion

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 4 - A

Memory Lane

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 4 - B

Memory Lane

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 4 - C

Memory Lane

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 4 - D

Memory Lane

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Memory Lane

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 5 - A

Quality of Life

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 5 - B

Quality of Life

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 5 - C

Quality of Life

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 5 - D

Quality of Life

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Quality of Life

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 6 - A

Environmental Issues

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 6 - B

Environmental Issues

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 6 - C

Environmental Issues

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 6 - D

Environmental Issues

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Environmental Issues

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 7 - A

Crime & Punishment

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 7 - B

Crime & Punishment

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 7 - C

Crime & Punishment

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 7 - D

Crime & Punishment

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Crime & Punishment

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 8 - A


& Transport

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 8 - B


& Transport

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 8 - C


& Transport

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 8 - D


& Transport

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam


& Transport

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 9 - A

Education & Learning

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 9 - B

Education & Learning

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 9 - C

Education & Learning

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 9 - D

Education & Learning

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Education & Learning

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 10 - A

Give Peace a Chance

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 10 - B

Give Peace a Chance

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 10 - C

Give Peace a Chance

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 10 - D

Give Peace a Chance

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Give Peace a Chance

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 11 - A

Risk & Adventure

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 11 - B

Risk & Adventure

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 11 - C

Risk & Adventure

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 11 - D

Risk & Adventure

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Risk & Adventure

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 12 - A

Space Inhabitants

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 12 - B

Space Inhabitants

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 12 - C

Space Inhabitants

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 12 - D

Space Inhabitants

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Space Inhabitants

Write your awesome label here.
Empty space, drag to resize


Exam Prep.

This 13-week course is designed to help you achieve the highest marks in your exams.


Exam Prep.

Write your awesome label here.


Exam Prep.

Write your awesome label here.
Empty space, drag to resize


B2 Upper Intermediate

UNIT 1 - A

Home and away!

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Home and away!

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 2 - A

Been there, got the T-shirt!

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Been there, got the T-shirt!

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 3 - A

News and views

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

News and views

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 4 - A

The naked truth

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

The naked truth

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 5 - A

Looking ahead

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Looking ahead

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 6 - A

Hitting the big time

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Hitting the big time

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 7 - A

Getting along

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Getting along

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 8 - A

How remarkable!

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

How remarkable!

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 9 - A

The way we were

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

The way we were

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 10 - A

Over my dead body!

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

Over my dead body!

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 11 - A

lt's all hypothetical!

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

lt's all hypothetical!

Write your awesome label here.

UNIT 12 - A

Time flies

Write your awesome label here.

Weekly Exam

lt's all hypothetical!

Write your awesome label here.